The Assessment Only (AO) route is a route to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) that does not require individuals to complete teacher training.
To be considered suitable for the AO route, a candidate should have extensive teaching experience in at least two schools and across two consecutive key stages in either the primary or secondary phase, giving them the opportunity to gather significant evidence to show that they meet the Teachers’ Standards. The evidence must show that they are able to plan, assess and teach to a good standard in their chosen subject or age range/phase and demonstrate that they have had full responsibility for the classroom. This teaching experience will need to have been gained across two consecutive age phases.
Anyone teaching in a school that follows the English National Curriculum can apply for the AO route. CTTC will assess a candidate’s teaching by reviewing a portfolio of evidence and observing them teach at their current or placement school.
Our AO route to QTS is available in primary schools, special schools, PRUs and all main secondary subjects in state funded, free schools, academies, and independent schools.
All potential AO candidates are reminded of our shared commitment to safeguard children in schools. All candidates undergo rigorous background checks, and we expect candidates to fully engage with and adhere to the safeguarding procedures and policies within their placement school, including the Prevent duty.
Finance for the AO route (All fees are subject to VAT where applicable):
- If the application for the AO route is accepted, the candidate will be invited to proceed to the Initial Needs Assessment (INA). A non-returnable fee of £750 is payable before this can take place to cover the cost of the interview, lesson observation, interview with line manager, selection panel and general administration.
- Once accepted onto the AO route, there is then a further non-returnable fee of £750 for the Final Assessment visit and a final fee of £1500 for the Quality Assurance visit and Awarding of QTS.
What school experience do I need to have had to be eligible for this route?
To be eligible, you need to show that you meet the Teachers’ Standards without any further training. You must have taught in a minimum of two schools across the full age range and subject specialism you wish to be assessed in. This means that you have taken full responsibility for the planning, teaching and assessment of pupils’ learning. The minimum amount of time planning, teaching and assessing in any one of the schools is 6 weeks.
What qualifications do I need to be eligible for the Assessment Only route?
To be eligible, you need (all of the following):
- A degree
- GCSEs at grade 4/c or above in English and maths, and science if you want to teach primary
If you have international qualifications, you will need to obtain a Statement of Comparability from UK ENIC to progress your application. For more information, and to apply for your ENIC statement, please visit www.enic.org.uk
What other requirements are there for the Assessment Only route?
Candidates should have:
- Been subject to and passed the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and criminal records and all pre-employment checks in line with ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024’.
- Met the Secretary of State’s requirements for health and physical capacity to teach.
- The ability to communicate clearly and effectively in standard English both orally and in written form.
- A high level of proficiency in numeracy.
- The appropriate qualities, attitudes and values expected of a qualified teacher.
I’m employed in a specialist setting. Am I eligible to apply?
For candidates employed and looking to be assessed in a specialist setting, you must have taught across the full age range and subject specialism in a mainstream setting for a minimum of 6 weeks.
I’m not currently employed in a school. Am I eligible to apply?
Candidates must be employed in a school in a teaching role by the time you start the Assessment Only programme. The school must be willing to support you through the process and adhere to the CTTC Partnership Agreement. Candidates must be employed for at least 12 weeks from the start of the assessment process.
What support will my school need to provide?
Your school will need to allocate you a mentor and ideally the equivalent to an ECT’s timetable for the 12-week process to allow you time to be observed and assessed whilst also preparing your portfolio of evidence. Your school will need to support you during two separate days of assessment when a CTTC assessor will spend the day with you at school reviewing your portfolio of evidence, observing you teach and meeting with your mentor and Headteacher.
Can I apply if I have been working as a teaching assistant or cover supervisor?
If you’ve worked as a teaching assistant or cover supervisor, it’s unlikely you’ll have the experience required for assessment only.
I am currently working overseas. Can I be assessed by CTTC in the country I am currently working in?
Unfortunately CTTC assessors are unable to travel overseas to assess candidates.